“Founded in 1985, Sosta Palmizi was one of the first, and certainly the most significant, contemporary dance companies in Italy. Today the association, led by two of its original members constitutes a fundamental artistic and educational point of reference for new generations of dancers and choreographers.
Over the past twenty years Giordano and Rossi, with an untiring sprit of research and evolution of a distinctly personal style, have created works widely appreciated not just in Italy but at an International level. They have also dedicated themselves to the formation, support and promotion of young artists with a constant display of responsibility and personal sacrifice.
Their work over the past two decades has contributed and continues to contribute to the creation and strength of today’s contemporary Italian dance scene.”

Eugenia Casini Ropa
((Dance History‚ DAMS‚ Bologna University‚ 2007)

Directed by the choreographers Raffaella Giordano and Giorgio Rossi, the Association Sosta Palmizi was created in the ‘90’s following the dismantling of the original historic group resident in Turin. As of 1995 Sosta has been based in Cortona where the association promotes and supports choreographers and continues to be a point of reference in the world of contemporary creative choreography.
Sosta Palmizi is particularly sensitive to the quality of the artistic experience, and the formation and support of the younger generations. Thanks to the artistic identity of the two directors, their extensive accumulated experience and their natural vocation of transmitting their knowledge, Sosta Palmizi has become a place of possibility and encounter, an incubator for creative experiences that nurture sharing and spaces that are sensitive to the language of the body.

Over the years Raffaella Giordano and Giorgio Rossi have managed to involve numerous choreographers and performers and create, in an authentic and organic manner, a stable nucleus of associated artists and various levels of collaboration while respecting the poetic liberty of each individual.

The complex production procedure is founded on a principle aimed at enhancing the creative process, sustaining new productions via virtual collaboration with artists and cultural institutions, and involving the public in the productive and creative processes of the artists they support.

Since 2008 the Association has been developing programming projects that represent new and diverse forms of language and encourage the circulation of works and residential support to artists and dance companies nationwide. The seasons of Invito di Sosta, danza contemporanea d’autore and Altre Danze, Portiamo i ragazzi a teatro! are presented in the theater in collaboration with the cities of Arezzo and Cortona, while the artists in residence and production support projects are hosted in Cortona.
The educational activities consist in studio activity, in depth study and specialization workshops directed at professional dancers and actors, and specific courses for children and amateurs, both in the Cortona premises and in various Academies, theatrical organizations, festivals and associations. The Incamminarsi project, started in 2012 and recently opened to children as well as adults, was created with the objective of bringing the art of movement to the general public.

All of these initiatives converge in an ongoing radication in the territory of residence. in the sense that Sosta Palmizi has a specific mission, together with the asscociation’s own productive activity, of developing and supporting various types of initiatives to extend their presence and make contact with the public via meetings, summer events in various locations, interaction with other arts in the travelling CinemaèDanza Festival, and the establishing of relationships with various entities sensitive to artistic themes. All of this has resulted in a significant change of attitude and renewed consciousness towards an art of great value.



Sosta Palmizi is subsidized by MiBACT Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo,(Ministry of Arts and Culture) and by the Regione Toscana/Settore Spettacolo (Region of Tuscany/Theater) for the artists in residence initiatives; and with the local administrations of the cities of Arezzo, Cortona and Castiglion Fiorentino (in collaboration with CapoTrave/Kilowatt) for the various spaces; Sosta Palmizi is also a supporting member of Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo which coordinates and manages cultural initiatives in Arezzo; Sosta Palmizi is also sponsored by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio (Foundation of the Cassa di Risparmio Bank) for its public projects and is a member of the organization RAT_Residenze Artistiche Toscane (Artists in residence in Tuscany).

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