Olimpia Fortuni
Who cares? Ecologia del dialogo (2019)

Who Cares? Ecology of dialogue merges experiences, visions and individual aesthetics of young choreographers and musicians from different Mediterranean countries (Italy, Spain and Lebanon) in a collective work conceived for public spaces. The work was born inside Sedimenti, one of the sections of PETROLIO. Uomo e natura nell’era dell’Antropocene, project of Matera 2019 – European Capital of Culture, curated by Associazione Basilicata 1799.
Sedimenti is the productive path realized in spring 2019 in four stages of artistic residency between Florence, Beirut, Ravenna and Matera, in which the creative process was supported by the sharing of bodily practices, the development of co-creation methodologies and the accompaniment and tutoring of curators and artists.
Who cares about environmental disasters, community, culture, politics? Who cares? Ecology of dialogue is a co-creation project in which four young choreographers and two musicians make their meeting the starting point for the construction of a performance that revolves around the theme of Anthropocene. Languages, bodies, universes confront each other giving life to a new community: the transmission of the personal diversity of each of its components, from accessory, instrumental, preparatory to the staging, becomes central, making the collective creative path a paradigmatic laboratory of possible symbolic actions in the face of the epochal uncertainties to which man is subjected in the renegotiation of his role in the ecosystem. In the uncertain frontier between methods, cultures, symbolic apparatus is placed the strong point of a new collective entity, which is not defined within given boundaries, but in the comparison around common shores. On stage takes shape an imaginary territory of the Mediterranean, a geography outside from any possible toponymy and ethnography. In this land of encounter the only commodity of exchange is the dialogue between bodies, engaged in the creation of a vocabulary danced, played, made of gestures and actions, joints and conflicts to answer the question “Who cares? / Who cares?”.
by and with: Bassam Abou Diab, Yeinner Chicas, Olimpia Fortuni, Leonardo Maietto.
original music by: Ayman Sharaf El Dine, Stefano Zazzera.
Project by: Matera European Capital of Culture 2019 as part of PETROLIO. Man and nature in the age of Anthropocene
co-produced with: Matera-Basilicata Foundation 2019 and Basilicata Association 1799 and with the Ethical Fund of BCC Basilicata, Sosta Palmizi
In partnership with: Associazione Cantieri, Associazione Culturale Danza Urbana, Asociación Cultural Las Voces Humanas, Associazione Mosaico Danza, Cooperativa Anghiari Dance Hub, Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, Ravenna Festival, Maqamat Beit El-Raqs, Network Anticorpi XL
duration 45 minutes
> Who cares? Dialoghi tra corpi. Intervista a Massimo Carosi – Alessandra Coretti – Blaub Art Dance Webzine – 01/07/19
- 13 September 2019 @ Ammutinamenti Festival – Ravenna
- 11 September 2019 @ Città delle 100 scale Festival – Potenza
- 8 September 2019 @ Anghiari Dance Hub – Teatro di Anghiari (AR)
- 6 September 2019 @ Festival Danza Urbana – Spazio Sì di Ateliersi – Bologna