Olimpia Fortuni

Viale dei Castagni 16 (2014)

interpreter and choreographer Olimpia Fortuni
artistic assistance Cinzia Sità
sound landscape Pieradolfo Ciulli and Danilo Valsecchi
lighting design Andrea Rossi
production Associazione Sosta Palmizi
with the support of MiBACT, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism/General Direction for Live Entertainment, Region of Tuscany/Sistema Regionale dello Spettacolo work selected at the Showcase of Young Author Dance 2016 of the Network Anticorpi XL and Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2017, winner of the audience award GD’A_Giovane Danza D’Autore 2017.
We thank the Teatro la Cavallerizza di Torino, Michela Lucenti and Balletto Civile, Alessandra Bordino and Erica Archinucci.
duration 30′

Why are you always so sensitive when it comes to us and cynical and ruthless when it comes to the other?”

With the language of contemporary dance, the show is proposed as an opportunity to appear in the home of a man and a woman who, in a world that pushes the autonomy to the affirmation of the individual, decide to marry the difficulties of this century remaining united. The project was born from the urgency to work starting from the personal experience of the two performers, subjecting themselves to the gaze of others. Through the use of a computer, the performers experience the control of music and lights directly from inside the scene.

Authors’ notes

If every time we saw the smallest human failure as the failure of all perhaps we would consider the possibility that there is no need to be selfish, that the ego does not develop human qualities but implodes them into great pain. From this comes the urgency to work starting from our personal, from us and from our life as a couple. We cannot but notice how society conditions our relationship, a society that leads to divide rather than unite and that induces us to live the day to day. In the difficulties of this era the other becomes even more cumbersome, even more a burden, but at the same time the only trusted embrace in which to take refuge, the only support that can understand you sincerely. As a reaction to all this, we decide to live together and to face all the problems that living together today involves, bringing with us all the impulses, all the manias, neuroses and inconsistencies of the outside world. We look for all that we have forgotten about ourselves and the other, we let things happen and once found we try to enlarge them and highlight them in all their fragility. So music and lights are managed from the inside, our house becomes a stage space and everyday life becomes a performance.

The work, has participated in the project NAO CREA artistic residence; it was presented at AROUND UOVO 2013 MILAN; awarded at Bando Next Milano 2013 Laboratorio delle idee della Regione Lombardia
Tappe di studio Ariella Vidach-Did Studio Residenza NAO crea, Milan 2013 >first studio; Festival Caffeine .04, Merate 2013>second studio; Residenza Oakspace, Bordeaux 2014>third studio; Diversia Festival, Kostroma (Russia) 2014>preview; Quasi Solo Festival-Spazio Residenza Idra, Brescia 21 November 2014>debut



interpreter and choreographer Olimpia Fortuni
artistic assistance Cinzia Sità
sound landscape Pieradolfo Ciulli and Danilo Valsecchi
lighting design Andrea Rossi
production Associazione Sosta Palmizi
with the support of MiBACT, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism/General Direction for Live Entertainment, Region of Tuscany/Sistema Regionale dello Spettacolo work selected at the Showcase of Young Author Dance 2016 of the Network Anticorpi XL and Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2017, winner of the audience award GD’A_Giovane Danza D’Autore 2017.
We thank the Teatro la Cavallerizza di Torino, Michela Lucenti and Balletto Civile, Alessandra Bordino and Erica Archinucci.
duration 30′

5 May 2017
Rassegna Teatro non Teatro, Spazio Mutti, Castiglione delle Stiviere, (MN)
31 March 2017
Rassegna Impronte teatrali, pressione bassa, Castello di Padernello Borgo San Giacomo, Castello di Padernello, BS
24-25 March 2017 
Rassegna il teatro racconta…incontri, Auditorium Comunale, Calvenzano (BG)
4 December 2016 
Rassegna DANZA_Resistere e Creare, Teatro della Tosse, Genova
1 December 2016
B/Author Festival della Nuova Danzad’Autore, Teatro Bolivar, Napoli
25 November 2016        
Rassegna Nebbia, Spazio Sementerie Artistiche, Crevalcore (BO)
22-23 June 2016
Spazio Teatro No’Hma Teresa Pomodoro, Premio Internazionale Il teatro nudo di Teresa Pomodoro, Milano
2 May 2015
Castello di Barletta /Sala Rossa del Castello Svevo Azioni in Danza., Barletta (BT)

Other productions by Olimpia Fortuni
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