Giorgio Rossi
Sulla felicità (2014)

conception and art direction Giorgio Rossi
authors and dancers Mariella Celia, Eleonora Chiocchini, Olimpia Fortuni, Gennaro Lauro, Silvia Mai, Francesco Manenti, Daria Menichetti, Fabio Pagano, Valerio Sirna, Cinzia Sità, Cecilia Ventriglia
lighting designAndrea Margarolo
production Associazione Sosta Palmizi
duration 75 minutes
Eleven performers selected among the young students of Giorgio Rossi and Raffaella Giordano as well as Associated Artists of Sosta Palmizi, for a performance dedicated to happiness. A work in a direct comparison on this issue has generated a path between personal and collective visions of what could be happiness today. Trusting in the expressiveness of dance, music and words, the performance, with poetry and irony, returns the sense of happiness threatened by the cultural logic of consumerism and possession. Happiness, considered by the author and by the interpreters as a state of mind, may arise from feeling life at any given time in a consensual physical dimension to put forward to a fake virtual dimension linked to the material.
Our condition as human beings leads to a frantic search of happiness. We are caught continuously by the desire to be there, from the will to participate in a wider order. The aspiration, the contradictory nature of human being and his giddiness distinguish it from the animal kingdom, led him to constantly deal with his limits.
The performance is the result of a study proceeded by stages where there have been put forward two essential instances: share and accept our limits with humor. Just dance, creating the opportunity to give to themselves and to others anything close to happiness, though not claiming to give an exhaustive representation.Giorgio Rossi
Sulla Felicità is definitely a choral and personal work, in which the main theme given by the director and choreographer is subterranean, present but not intrusive. The dance/actors, called under the auspices of one of the most important Italian choreographers, performing alternating distinctly theatrical register to other more danced. All work is based on the pursuit of happiness understood essentially as a physical discovery or purely emotional, most of what they show on stage starts in part from the memory and by the ambition. (…) A beautiful and pleasant work that leaves a smile on the lips, created and performed by excellent performers.
Nucleo Artzine
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conception and art direction Giorgio Rossi
authors and dancers Mariella Celia, Eleonora Chiocchini, Olimpia Fortuni, Gennaro Lauro, Silvia Mai, Francesco Manenti, Daria Menichetti, Fabio Pagano, Valerio Sirna, Cinzia Sità, Cecilia Ventriglia
lighting designAndrea Margarolo
production Associazione Sosta Palmizi
duration 75 minutes
>Undici danzatori fra limiti e ironia, Rodolfo Giammarco, La Repubblica 12/12/2014
>Al “De Rerum Natura” si ispira la felicità di Rossi, Il Tempo 09/12/2014
>Sulla felicità, ValeriaLoPrieno, Nucleoartzine 13/12/2014
>Un’ironica messa in scena, “Sulla felicità” al Teatro Vascello, Chiara Mattei, TribunaItalia 10/12/2014
>Sulla felicità, Giulio Sonno, PaperStreet 9/12/2014
>A piedi nudi nel parco, Claudia Allasia, La Repubblica 25/09/2014
>Sosta Palmizi sulla felicità, tra miele e natura, Vittoria Lombardi, Krapp’s Last Post 11/09/2014
>A piedi nudi nel parco. La terapia del teatro danza, Silvia Francia, La Stampa 10/09/2014
Teatro Petrarca – Arezzo
Teatro Argentina – Roma
Teatro San Domenico – Crema (CR)
Palestra di Stampa Val Bregaglia – Svizzera
Teatro Pavone – Perugia
Parco del Monte Verità – Ascona (Svizzera)
Prato del Municipio di Stabio – Stabio (Svizzera)
Teatro degli Industri – Grosseto
Teatro Mecenate – Arezzo
Teatro De Filippo – Cecina (LI)
Teatro delle Arti – Lastra a Signa (FI)
Teatro Vascello – Roma
05- 06.12.14
Teatro Mecenate – Arezzo
Parco del Nobile – Torino
Teatro Mecenate – Arezzo