

Compagnia Dulcamara Teatro Ombra (2015) MISHIMA THE ANGEL OF NOWHERE concept and subject Valentina Cidda, Sayoko Onishi directed by Valentina [...]

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Piano B

Agostino Bontà Piano B (2013) SYSTEMATIC HOME CREATION PROJECT devised by Mr. Agostino Bontà authors and interpreters Francesca Antonino, Valentina

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Giorgio Rossi Piume (1997) an idea by Giorgio Rossi‚ Vasco Mirandola e Simone Sandroni with Valentina Buldrini‚ Vasco Mirandola‚ Claudia

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Famiglia Fuchè Quaderni (2011-14) FamigliaFuchè is an associate artist of Sosta Palmizi and is composed by Martina Bosi, Leonardo Delogu,

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