Compagnia Tardito/Rendina

Oh heaven (2008)


by and with Federica Tardito and Aldo Rendina
with Aldo Rendina‚ Federica Tardito and Antonio Villella
music A. Part‚ J. Jackson‚ A. Gré‚ Queen
consulence and musical elaborations Gregorio Caporale
lights Lucia Manghi
costumes Roberta Vacchetta / Laura Mazza
organization Caterina Lucia Cugnasco
pictures byAndrea Macchia
co-production VolterraTeatro – Carte Blanche‚ Tracce di Teatro d’Autore‚
Regione Piemonte‚ Associazione Sosta Palmizi/MiBAC‚ Associazione Kado
25 minutes


The place where the ancestor Man‚ still in divine essence‚ didn’t know the limit of human condition

Heaven under


From a cotton and too white and pure Heaven where time gets bored in a cyclic motion‚ a man and a woman are pushing themselves ahead as laughable stars‚ busy in satisfying their need to appear


Body Life Drama Lightness

True False Balance Unmasking


Words that come along with a poetics animated by the desire to dig deep‚ to rise to the surface with lightness our way of life peculiarity‚ sensible to cohabitation and contradictions between human condition’s limits and its divine essence



by and with Federica Tardito and Aldo Rendina

with Aldo Rendina‚ Federica Tardito and Antonio Villella


music A. Part‚ J. Jackson‚ A. Gré‚ Queen
consulence and musical elaborations Gregorio Caporale
lights Lucia Manghi

costumes Roberta Vacchetta / Laura Mazza


organization Caterina Lucia Cugnasco
pictures byAndrea Macchia
co-production VolterraTeatro – Carte Blanche‚ Tracce di Teatro d’Autore‚
Regione Piemonte‚ Associazione Sosta Palmizi/MiBAC‚ Associazione Kado
25 minutes
Other productions by Compagnia Tardito/Rendina
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