Babù Teatrodanza
La bottega del sarto (2013)

Freely inspired by Ljudmila Petruševskaja’s Carabatsuitcase – Ear Acerbo publisher
creation and interpretation Elisabetta di Terlizzi, Francesco Manenti, Daina Pignatti
lights Mara Cugusi
costumes BLACK GOLD creations – Modena
scenography design Francesco Manenti
music consultancy Michele Zanni
photographs Dante Farricella
co-production 2013 Sosta Palmizi
dance theatre performance for children from 4 years old
The show begins in a mysterious magic shop without objects where the tailor sews incredible clothes helped by his funny wife, among the customers there is also a wicked witch who from the great anger for the dress that she doesn’t like curses the poor tailor who will have to wear his creations forever. The cunning wife, careful with her words, notices that the witch said ” bring” and not “wear”, so she closes all the clothes in a suitcase that sticks to the tailor.
Here begin the vicissitudes of the suitcase that goes from hand to hand between sly men and bandits until it returns to the witch who cannot get rid of it.
Bàbu teatrodanza, a collaboration between Daina Pignatti of ARTEDIPARTE and Elisabetta Di Terlizzi and Francesco Manenti of the Swiss dance-theatre company Progetto Brockenhaus was born from the intent to combine play and lightness of dance with the interpretative effectiveness of the theatre to involve an audience of children and young people. In 2013 the show was co-produced by the company Sosta Palmizi.
“A brilliant tailor,
a special dress,
a screaming witch,
a flying suitcase:
a funny story
overwhelming ending”
Freely inspired by Ljudmila Petruševskaja’s Carabatsuitcase – Ear Acerbo publisher
creation and interpretation Elisabetta di Terlizzi, Francesco Manenti, Daina Pignatti
lights Mara Cugusi
costumes BLACK GOLD creations – Modena
scenography design Francesco Manenti
music consultancy Michele Zanni
photographs Dante Farricella
co-production 2013 Sosta Palmizi
dance theatre performance for children from 4 years old
7 July 2015
Long Lake Festival, Ex Macello di Lugano, Lugano (CH)
27-28 March 2015
Altre Danze, Arezzo ,Teatro Mecenate
10-11 April 2014
Rassegna di danza Millepiedi, Teatro Fabbricone, Prato (PO)
19 January 2014
Sala Arcipelago, Pianoro (BO)
12 January 2014
Teatro Comunale, Sasso Marconi (BO)
6 January 2014
Cinema Teatro Italia, Soliera (MO)
8 Dicember 2013
Oratorio San Filippo Neri, Bologna
4-5-6-7 November 2013
Teatro del Lido, Ostia Lido, Roma
4 – 5 October 2013
Dinamico Festival, Tendone Parco Santa Maria, Reggio Emilia
15 September 2013
Biblioteca Civica Antonio Delfini, Modena (MO)
18 May 2013
Maggio all’infanzia, Teatro Kismet Opera, Bari
21 March 2013
Teatro Comunale Niccolini, San Casciano, (FI)
19 March 2013
Rassegna a piccoli passi, Teatro della Limonaia, Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
27 January 2013
Cinema Teatro Cinema Primavera, Vicenza
18 November 2012
Teatro dei segni, Modena (MO)