Compagnia Tardito/Rendina

Il compito (2010)

by and with Aldo Rendina
creation accompaniment Federica Tardito
music Shostakovich‚ Radio Head
lights Lucia Manghi
organization Caterina Cugnasco
duration 45’
with the support of Associazione Sosta Palmizi/MiBAC‚ Festival Interplay‚
Regione Piemonte‚ compagnia tardito/rendina‚ Associazione Kado productions 2010

Dedicated to Claudio and Federico

Travel notes…

The work comes out from the need to answer a question: which are the parts of us we do consider a “reject”?
The first aim will be to ready to recognize “our rejects” with everything this involves‚ catching all the contradictions‚ standing the temptations to turn back on their appearing; the reaction is so immediate that it will take a great lucidity to be faster than the habit.Taking charge of all the parts‚ in their various shapes‚ could include ourselves in a more elaborate puzzle and maybe‚ bringing to light those features that we have to habit to reject‚ we will be able to create that moment in which drama and ridiculous are flowing on the same tightrope.

An opportunity to make a movement from ourselves. I will pursue this project allowing myself to make mistakes‚ which is not usually done‚ but if I lean where I will end? Somewhere surely‚ if I will take the wrong way it will be better. Hoping to end in a land that I don’t know‚ frequently shrouded in mystery‚ I will try to take a look around.

Just like the first human being that experiments himself I’m taking my first step. I rummaged my wishes‚ doubts‚ certainties‚ vanities‚ conflicts and‚ at a certain time‚ I meet the King‚ we took a peace of way together‚ than we lost one another and my assignment became a caretaker one. The assignment is also a challenge for imagination.


by and with Aldo Rendina
creation accompaniment Federica Tardito
music Shostakovich‚ Radio Head
lights Lucia Manghi
organization Caterina Cugnasco
duration 45’
with the support of Associazione Sosta Palmizi/MiBAC‚ Festival Interplay‚
Regione Piemonte‚ compagnia tardito/rendina‚ Associazione Kado productions 2010

>Aldo Rendina emoziona semplicemente nel carcere di Volterra,Samantha Russo, Fermata Spettacolo, 13/08/2011

13 october 2012    
Caffeine  Merate (LC)
30 july 2011       
Volterrateatro, Volterra (PI)
23 may 2011    
Festival Interplay, Torino
19 march 2011     
Teatro delle Ariette, Castello di Serravalle (BO)
5 march 2011         
Invito di Sosta, Teatro Mecenate, Arezzo
20 december/21 december 2010
Prima, Ex Chiesa San Giuseppe / Centro Giraudi, Asti
Other productions by Compagnia Tardito/Rendina
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