Compagnia Dimitri/Canessa

Hallo! I’m jacket (2016)


direction Elisa Canessa
with Federico Dimitri e Francesco Manenti
artistic assistence Stefano Cenci and Giorgio Rossi
light Marco Oliani
production Compagnia Dimitri/Canessa
coproduction Associazione Sosta Palmizi
with the support of Armunia

Selected by Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2017

60 minutes

HALLO! I’M JACKET! It is a highly ironic show. It is a ridiculous and irreverent reflection of a feeling that draws instead originated from more bitter feeling, concerning in general the so- called “modern world”, with its speed from fast food media, disposable culture and performative anxiety. Up to our necks in a reality that seems to give always more credit to what simply is trendy, we “make a mockery” of our being constantly harassed by the idea of being: Productive! Seductive! Interesting!

Alternative! Cool! No matter what the content and the knowledge are. The bitterness however, leaves room for the buffoonery, the mockery, surreal irony. In such a caricatured world, what is the artist’s relationship with creation? With him being on stage? With displaying himself on an empty stage? What he has to say this contemporary theater? In Hallo! I’m Jacket! everything is to the extreme: the artistic performance is metaphorically translated as athletic performance. The performer, an athlete who waves the white flag with the conviction of the total lack of content. On the face, the dazzling smile of idiocy. The theater, is paradoxically transformed into the stadium that accommodates the “World Championship of Performance”. The two performers, the two clowns fight, compete, dance, sweat… for nothing! Only to please you, to entertain you.



direction Elisa Canessa
with Federico Dimitri e Francesco Manenti
artistic assistence Stefano Cenci and Giorgio Rossi
light Marco Oliani
production Compagnia Dimitri/Canessa
coproduction Associazione Sosta Palmizi
with the support of Armunia
Selezione Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2017

60 minutes


15 December 2017
Centro Artistico il Grattacieelo, Livorno
18 November 2017
Spazio Bruno, Albenga (SV)
3 – 4 – 5 November 2017
Teatro Vascello, Roma
25 October 2017
Fondazione Nuovo Teatro Faraggiana, Novara
14 October 2017
Teatro del Cerchio, Parma (PR)
17 August 2017
Piazzetta Le Tanelle, Sestola (MO)
16 August 2017
Piazza Corsini, Fanano(MO)
19 July 2017
Piazza Torre di Berta, Sansepolcro, (Ar)
27 May 2017
Teatro Studio Mila Pieralli, Scandicci, (FI)
16-17-18 – 19 March 2017
Teatro della contraddizione, Milano
11 November 2016
Piazzale delle ex Cantine Ricasoli, Gaiole in Chianti (SI)
7 April 2016
Nuovo Cinema Teatro Soliera (MO)
04 March 2016
Teatro Verdi, Monte San Savino (AR)
17 January 2016
Teatro del Gatto, Ascona
16 January 2016
Teatro del Gatto, Ascona
19 November 2015
Tensostruttura Castello Pasquini, Castiglioncello, (LI)
Other productions by Compagnia Dimitri/Canessa
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