Collettivo Munerude

GRANITO (2020)

a project by Collettivo Munerude, by and with Francesca Antonino, Laura Chieffo, Ilaria Quaglia
music Gabriele Ottino and Anything Pointless
costumes Maatroom

production Déjà Donné, Sosta Palmizi
a project realized by the support of PERMUTAZIONI- choreographic coworking coreografico by Casa Luft, Zerogrammi and Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo, with the support of Cavallerizza Irreale – Torino, H(abita)T – Rete di Spazi per la Danza/Leggere Strutture/Comune di Budrio, ART BO, ALDES/SPAM! rete per le arti contemporanee, Hangart Fest, finalist in Prize Twain Direzioni Altre

Selected for Vetrina Giovane Danza d’Autore – Anticorpi XL 2020

Selection Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2021 Kilowatt Festival 2021

length 50 minutes

GRANITO_in english is “granite as great hardness, endurance, or resolution.”

GRANITO is a research process about the undoing the matter.
The project comes from an interest about the life.
GRANITO pays attention on organisms in decomposition, that, deformed and unformed, have creases, color shades, imperfections.
Working on rotten and decay, GRANITO renounces to a coveted integrity, in favour of a simple essence. It wants to highlight the becoming, throught a body in transformation.
GRANITO is matter that releases, pulses and resists, disintegrates and reforms finding new places. It is leaf that falls, organ that pulses, lave that bubbles, stone that resists.
On the scene bodies are posed in a very slow and dilated time and in a constant dialogue among vital directions, surrenders and releases. Producing new forms, matter tries to compose again, to pulse like a single body. By treating the bodies on stage as material masses inserted in a dense space, GRANITO begins with an unraveling and puts in place a recomposition of the visible, and not, in a continuous becoming. It is a process of material transformation, which flows into a lasting beat.


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a project by Collettivo Munerude, by and with Francesca Antonino, Laura Chieffo, Ilaria Quaglia
music Gabriele Ottino and Anything Pointless
costumes Maatroom
production Déjà Donné, Sosta Palmizi
a project realized by the support of PERMUTAZIONI- choreographic coworking coreografico by Casa Luft, Zerogrammi and Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo, with the support of Cavallerizza Irreale – Torino, H(abita)T – Rete di Spazi per la Danza/Leggere Strutture/Comune di Budrio, ART BO, ALDES/SPAM! rete per le arti contemporanee, Hangart Fest, finalist in Prize Twain Direzioni Altre

Selected for Vetrina Giovane Danza d’Autore – Anticorpi XL 2020

Selection Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2021 Kilowatt Festival 2021

length 50 minutes


Other Productions by Francesca Antonino
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