Vincenzo Carta

Gnosis #1 (2010)

created by Vincenzo Carta and Ongakuaw
choreography Vincenzo Carta
biotic soundscape Ongakuaw
dance Piet Defranq, Steve Paulet, Steven Michel, Vincenzo Carta

production WeGo vzw
administration Caravan production
co-produced by Focus on art and science in the performing arts European contemporary production
with the support of Culture Program of the European Comunity, Stuk Kunstencentrum,
Kc Nona, De Pianofabriek, Sosta Palmizi

The fascination for ritualistic phenomena, and in particular that of trance, which in recent years has guided Vincenzo Carta’s (VC) choreographic journey, is dictated by the need to explore the essence of human experience, within a logic that sees the body as the primary vehicle for knowledge of the multiple dimensions and realities that make up the world. The body filters, more or less consciously and in a strictly empirical way, experiences and perceptions creating a mapping of reality that allows us to understand the existing, be it material or immaterial.

The declination of the idea of ritual applied to performative art refers not so much to the literal meaning of the word – i.e. “conform according to the rule” but to the set of stimuli that, through the medium of the body, allow the mind to amplify its perception of the existing on an intuitive basis.

This new project will be developed in close contact with the composer ONGAKUAW (Andrew Ferrara).

Gnosis#1 is a dance performance that explores the connections between body movement and the resulting states of consciousness. For several years Vincenzo Carta has directed his choreographic research on movement as a means to reach “trance”.
For this new creation, the brain waves resulting from the dancers, different states of consciousness, will be monitored “in real time” by a system of EEG electrodes and hardware interfaces.
The digital information provided by the dancers minds, will be used to control sound and light, transforming the resulting algorithms into music and light.


If I believed in a god, it would be a dancing god.


created by Vincenzo Carta and Ongakuaw
choreography Vincenzo Carta
biotic soundscape Ongakuaw
dance Piet Defranq, Steve Paulet, Steven Michel, Vincenzo Carta

production WeGo vzw
administration Caravan production
co-produced by Focus on art and science in the performing arts European contemporary production
with the support of Culture Program of the European Comunity, Stuk Kunstencentrum,
Kc Nona, De Pianofabriek, Sosta Palmizi

15 October 2010
Festival RomaEuropa, Teatro Palladium
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