Eleonora Chiocchini
Fragilefrana (2012)

by Eleonora Chiocchini
with Eleonora Chiocchini, Daria Menichetti, Chiara Michelini
lights Andrea Margarolo
musical consultancy Luciano Zampar
scenes Lucia Ortiz Oshiro, Mario Sirchio
costumes Franca Di Lorenzo, Rita Petrone
GDeSIGN video by Gilles Dubroca
co-production Sosta Palmizi, Fabbrica Europa , E45 Napoli Fringe Festival
with the support of the Municipality of Arezzo, Associazione Dance Gallery, San Materno Theatre (Ascona, Ch)
project winner of E45Naples Fringe Festival towards 2013
project winner of the call for proposals Created in Umbria an initiative carried out by the Municipality of Terni, Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria, Associazione Demetra, Associazione Indisciplinarte e Fast Festival
“(…) runs an invisible thread that ties one human Being to another for a moment and unravels, then it tends again between moving points drawing new rapid figures”.
Italo Calvino
Fragilefrana stages residual stories from an unwritten novel. A narrative through images that manifests itself in a non-linear space-time where figures subject to processes of crumbling and disruption appear, disappear, weave invisible relationships, echo one another to draw a world that exists hanging from the earth perhaps only in the shadow of our lowered eyelids. The focus is on the possibilities of existence between the cracks. The vehicle of this existence is the body embodied in broken characters, strong in their fragility. Bodies made to collapse from the outside and landslide themselves, materials of accumulation deposited and still tied to their “niche of detachment”. Try not to put them back in order immediately. Try not to reconstruct what was there. Let yourself collapse, close your eyes in the middle of the noise and the crowd to stop and consider what we are seeing and living.
“(…) when the trees touch me with their roots, I’ll learn to look at what seemed to be only landslide material’ desolation’ disruption as new and alive for a new germination.”
Sylvia Plath
by Eleonora Chiocchini
with Eleonora Chiocchini, Daria Menichetti, Chiara Michelini
lights Andrea Margarolo
musical consultancy Luciano Zampar
scenes Lucia Ortiz Oshiro, Mario Sirchio
costumes Franca Di Lorenzo, Rita Petrone
GDeSIGN video by Gilles Dubroca
co-production Sosta Palmizi, Fabbrica Europa , E45 Napoli Fringe Festival
with the support of the Municipality of Arezzo, Associazione Dance Gallery, San Materno Theatre (Ascona, Ch)
project winner of E45Naples Fringe Festival towards 2013
project winner of the call for proposals Created in Umbria an initiative carried out by the Municipality of Terni, Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria, Associazione Demetra, Associazione Indisciplinarte e Fast Festival