Olimpia Fortuni

Do animals go to heaven? (2018)

director and choreographer Olimpia Fortuni
dancers Pieradolfo Ciulli, Olimpia Fortuni, Masako Matsushita, Gabriele Montaruli, Raffaele Tori
dramaturg Cinzia Sità
musicians Danilo Valsecchi, Walter Cesarini
light designer Andrea Violato
costumes Floor Robert
set designer Francesco Landrini
production Associazione Sosta Palmizi
with the support of MiBAC e SIAE nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura” (Ed. 2017)
with the contribution of Fondo regionale a sostegno della danza d’autore 2017 dell’Emilia Romagna
artistic residence Circuito CLAPS; Lavanderia a Vapore; DANCEHAUSpiù (ResiDance XL 2018, azione della Rete Anticorpi XL)
Progetto Finalista Premio Prospettiva Danza 2018
Selezione Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2019
photo Andrea Macchia
70 minutes

What is the relationship between nature and man today, between man and animal?

Faced with the observation of uncontaminated nature, in which animals live their habitat free, these initial questions are nourished by visions and suggestions. Hence the reflection, by contrast, on the existence of real lagers in which animals are forced to live, for reasons related to the needs and conditions of the current market, aimed at intensive productivity.

Important sources of inspiration and comparison were the works of Jonas Burgert and the experience inside a slaughterhouse.

The observation of the market and of obsessive production (of food, of objects, of connections, of good intentions, of ideas) is the thought from which to look at the order of things, to relate beauty and horror, the shadow and the light, becoming aware of it and renewing a possible balance between these opposites that are inherent in human nature.



director and choreographer Olimpia Fortuni
dancers Pieradolfo Ciulli, Olimpia Fortuni, Masako Matsushita, Gabriele Montaruli, Raffaele Tori
dramaturg Cinzia Sità
musicians Danilo Valsecchi, Walter Cesarini
light designer Andrea Violato
costumes Floor Robert
set designer Francesco Landrini
production Associazione Sosta Palmizi
with the support of MiBAC e SIAE nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura” (Ed. 2017)
with the contribution of Fondo regionale a sostegno della danza d’autore 2017 dell’Emilia Romagna
artistic residence Circuito CLAPS; Lavanderia a Vapore; DANCEHAUSpiù (ResiDance XL 2018, azione della Rete Anticorpi XL)
Progetto Finalista Premio Prospettiva Danza 2018
Selezione Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2019
photo Andrea Macchia
70 minutes


> “Do animals go to Heaven: purezza, inquietudine e coscienza”, Laura Sciortino, Recensito.net, 20/02/2019


12 Maggio 2018
Serata finale premio Prospettiva Danza, Ridotto Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi, Padova
24 Novembre 2018
Festival Exister, Dancehaus, Milano
Other productions by Olimpia Fortuni
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