Giorgio Rossi

Costellazioni. Pronti, partenza…spazio! (2018)

a creation by  Savino Italiano, Olga Mascolo, Anna Moscatelli e Giorgio Rossi
conception and art direction  Giorgio Rossi
performers  Savino Italiano, Olga Mascolo e Anna Moscatelli
light design  Andrea Margarolo, Tea Primiterra
technical execution   Piermarco Lunghi, Tea Primiterra
props   Bruno Soriato
production  Associazione Sosta Palmizi e I Nuovi Scalzi
with the contribution of  MiBACT, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e del Turismo/Direzione generale per lo spettacolo dal vivo; Regione Toscana/Sistema Regionale dello Spettacolo
with the support of Armunia (Castiglioncello/LI), sistemaGaribaldi (Bisceglie/BAT), Azioni in Danza (Barletta/BAT)
special thanks to  Associazione Explorer, La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi, Flavia Marini

Premio Speciale della Giuria del Festival International de Théâtre de Mont-Laurier – Canada 2019

duration 47 minutes – age: from 4 years old

A show dedicated to the discovery of the Universe.
An imaginative and playful journey that starts from the Earth to go towards the stars.
After years and years of studies and observations of space, Professor Radar wakes up in that much-desired dream: together with the professors Bussola and Calamita, they finally put into action the invention of the century: the Space Carriage. An extraordinary invention to get in search of a place similar to the Earth.
Through this journey between planets and celestial bodies we will be able to experience the Constellations dance: luminous points in the sky, apparently close to each other but actually distant millions and millions of light years. Different points of view united in the gaze of the observer: perspective, relativity, dimensions of time and space, the qualities of matter, the movements of bodies, light, everything is present through play, dance and imagination of those who are able to see beyond the limits of the glance.
And so Professor Radar, Bussola and Calamita will continue their journey in interstellar space and who knows how many other adventures they will live, what new worlds and stars and galaxies they will discover! And while we see them disappearing, becoming tiny points of light, we are here, knowing that the Earth and all of us are part of the great Show of the Universe. To continue to dance together with our little world, it is important to take care of it.
But now everything is ready to embark on this special journey. Just start with:
Ready, Departure … Space !!


“we all have a common origin, we are all children of the universe’s evolution, of the stars evolution, therefore we are effectively all brothers. There are four hundred billions of stars in our galaxy, and there are more than a hundred billion galaxies in the universe. Thinking of being unique is very unlikely”.

Margherita Hack


a creation by  Savino Italiano, Olga Mascolo, Anna Moscatelli e Giorgio Rossi
conception and art direction  Giorgio Rossi
performers  Savino Italiano, Olga Mascolo e Anna Moscatelli
light design  Andrea Margarolo, Tea Primiterra
technical execution   Piermarco Lunghi, Tea Primiterra
props   Bruno Soriato
production  Associazione Sosta Palmizi e I Nuovi Scalzi
with the contribution of  MiBACT, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e del Turismo/Direzione generale per lo spettacolo dal vivo; Regione Toscana/Sistema Regionale dello Spettacolo
with the support of Armunia (Castiglioncello/LI), sistemaGaribaldi (Bisceglie/BAT), Azioni in Danza (Barletta/BAT)
special thanks to  Associazione Explorer, La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi, Flavia Marini

Premio Speciale della Giuria del Festival International de Théâtre de Mont-Laurier – Canada 2019

duration 47 minutes – age: from 4 years old



Other productions by Giorgio Rossi
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