Collettivo 320Chili
Ai migranti (2011)

direction and choreography Piergiorgio Milano
creation and interpretation Elena Burani‚ Florencia Demestri‚ Piergiorgio Milano‚ Fabio Nicolini‚ Roberto Sblattero‚ Francesco Sgrò
collaboration in the choreography Florencia Demestri
contributor to the drama Claudio Stellato
based on an idea by Giovanna Milano
original music Simon Thierree
costumes Roberta Vacchetta
sound Luca Carbone
organization Giovanna Milano
co-production Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma‚ Associazione Sosta Palmizi‚
La Corte Ospitale di Rubiera‚ Teatro Asioli di Correggio
with the support of Associazione Il Teatro Possibile e Teatro Comunale di Castiglion Fiorentino
a special thank to Ert Fondazione e Teatro Asioli-Correggio per la collaborazione
Saturday 5 February 2011
Auditorium Parco della Musica – Roma
The international jury‚ led by the choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and composed of Carole Fierz: Paris Quartier d’ete‚ (Paris); Brigitte Fürle: Berliner Festspiele‚ (Berlin); Gil Mendo: Culturgest (Lisbon); Benoît Swan: Pouffer Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet (USA)‚ Suzanne Walker: Sadler’s Wells‚ (London)‚ chose the company’s work for the following reasons:
«Ai Migranti by 320Chili presents an example of a poetic and emotionally effective collective work. The artists/performers have been able to combine their different areas of training in a choral harmony‚ which‚ among other things‚ takes its inspiration from a major phenomenon of our age – migration – that affects us all. The jury has appreciated their ability to create evocative pictorial images‚ a result obtained using few resources and challenging the usual language of their disciplines. The jury encourages 320Chili to maintain and develop this approach.»
Migrations are journeys that animals carry out regularly‚ cyclically‚ every year‚ along precise routes‚ often travelling for very long distances.
Migrations‚ on foot or by sea‚ are a flow of people with their few torn clothes‚ eyes staring‚ nerves frayed and hearts frozen in anticipation of what lies beyond.
Migrations: moving forward‚ moving backward‚ looking at the past‚ turning around and realizing how far we’ve come.
Migrations are an instinctive necessity‚ combining external and internal movement.
direction and choreography Piergiorgio Milano
creation and interpretation Elena Burani‚ Florencia Demestri‚ Piergiorgio Milano‚ Fabio Nicolini‚ Roberto Sblattero‚ Francesco Sgrò
collaboration in the choreography Florencia Demestri
contributor to the drama Claudio Stellato
based on an idea by Giovanna Milano
original music Simon Thierree
costumes Roberta Vacchetta
sound Luca Carbone
organization Giovanna Milano
co-production Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma‚ Associazione Sosta Palmizi‚
La Corte Ospitale di Rubiera‚ Teatro Asioli di Correggio
with the support of Associazione Il Teatro Possibile e Teatro Comunale di Castiglion Fiorentino
a special thank to Ert Fondazione e Teatro Asioli-Correggio per la collaborazione
Saturday 5 February 2011
Auditorium Parco della Musica – Roma