For more than twenty years Raffaella Giordano and Giorgio Rossi have been developing a course of study that is the fruit of their experiences as contemporary authors as well encounters with some of the most important artists of this century.
The teaching method is similar in context but differs in terms of sensibility and is an important moment of confrontation where the means of communication is not limited to a single method but is a kind of listening in constant evolution.
The association develops also a yearly activity of teaching addressed to professional or semi-professional dancers and to all those people, formed through some theatrical discipline, that have a good predisposition and/or motivation to work on the body.
The duration of the laboratories varies from a minimum of 4 days to a maximum of 8 days for about 6 hours of daily work. Each year specific training projects of longer duration are developed.
The seminars’, by choice’ maintain a moderate cost and one or two scholarships are also made available each year, allowing free participation in all the seminars scheduled during the year of study.
The training practice is accompanied by the opening of a space that encourages students to show their ideas and traces of work in open or completed form’ giving the opportunity to grow through dialogue and comparison’ and encouraging students to develop a dialectical relationship and greater autonomy of their creativity



We accept enrolments 45 days before the beginning of each course.

The enrolments open date will be communicated each time on the web site.
First contact: Flavia Marini mobile 0039 3478851126 – to leave your name and your personal data. In a second time, please send a confirmation presence by email
The payment will be settle on the first day course, in our Camucia’s local office.
Every year the association rate (3 Euro) must be renovated to be regular with studying activities.
You will pay the above mentioned rate at the time of the enrolment payment.
The course rate will not be refunded , exept for particular cases and only during the first two days.

Courses last 6 hours per day and take place in the rehearsal space located in Fratta Santa Caterina, a fraction of Cortona. The space can only be reached by car. In case of courses located in other places, this will be comunicated on the calendar.

Accomodation’s choice and booking will be made at your expense
Facilitation on accomodation are possibile (prices max 20 Euro per night).
A list of choices is available at the following link, the availability and conditions of the agreed accommodations must be checked from time to time with Flavia Marini.

Study Grant: it is assigned every year by Raffaella Giordano and Giorgio Rossi to one or max. two students and gives the chance to join all the annual courses for free

Foreign: we apply a 20% discount on all workshops for students who are residents abroad; concerned must not pay the deposit, but send the email confirmation of their participation.

Coordination and information
Flavia Marini
+39 347 8851126
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