I nuovi scalzi

I Nuovi Scalzi

I Nuovi Scalzi, a company of young artists from Puglia, in collaboration with the dancer Anna Moscatelli and under the watchful eye of Giorgio Rossi have created a project aimed at childhood, the discovery of the Universe and dance that led to the creation of the show “Costellazioni. Pronti, partenza…Spazio!” suitable for all children from 4 to 99 years old. A common idea has encouraged the collaboration between I Nuovi Scalzi and Sosta Palmizi – in particular Giorgio Rossi, in the field of educational activities and awareness raising aimed at young people, in order to spread the culture of contemporary dance, physical principles and body expressiveness.

Savino Italiano
He has been passionate about theatre since 2003 following Michele D’Errico’s theatre workshops. He deepens the theatrical languages and techniques with the method of A. Vasil’ev with Daniele Nuccetelli, Maurizio Lucà, Monica Samassa, Giovanni Guardiano, Svetlana Kevral. In 2006 he began his study of the techniques of the Commedia dell’Arte mask, first as a self-taught artist and then, in 2007, with Maestro Claudio De Maglio. The artistic research and deepening of the non-verbal language continues through the study of clowns with Gonzalo Alarcon, mime with Michele Monetta, contemporary dance with dancers and choreographers such as Marigia Maggipinto, Diana Damiani, Pilobolus, Michele Abbondanza (Abbondanza Bertoni company), Collettivo Explorer, Giorgio Rossi (Sosta Palmizi). Other masters with whom he followed workshops and in-depth studies are Carlo Boso (Comedy), Memo Dini (acrobatics), Leonardo Petrillo (Comedy), Bruno Lomele (stage weapons) and others. In the role of Pantalone and director (with the supervision of Claudio De Maglio) for the show La Ridiculosa commedia della terra contesa he won several awards including Best Production 2015 in the 7th International Festival of Mont Laurier (Canada). Since 2014, he has also been training in the field of theatrical pedagogy and has held several workshops on the techniques of Commedia dell’Arte. He currently works with the company I Nuovi Scalzi in Italy and abroad and collaborates with other companies

Olga Mascolo
Performer, graduated in Performing Arts and Techniques, master’s degree at the University La Sapienza of Rome. She continues to train through workshops and laboratories in dance theatre, Commedia dell’Arte, contemporary dance. She also deals with juggling with fire and expressive workshops for children. She continued her studies in the theatrical field of lighting engineering and lighting design, thanks to the course of the Puglia Region at | Car Formazione e Sviluppo O.N.L.U.S., Andria (2014-2015). She is founder of the company I Nuovi Scalzi, with which she has received several international awards including Best Production 2015 – Mont Laurier, Canada . She collaborates with the company La Luna Nel Letto as technical assistant and actress in the show L’Abito Nuovo; Collettivo Explorer/Giovinazzo; La Settimana Dopo/Roma; Barchetta Blu/Venezia.

Anna Moscatelli
dancer, she graduated in 2005 in Contemporary Dance and obtained the BA (Hons) Dance Theatre Honour Degree at the Laban Centre in London, studying as a freelance performer the work of Susanne Linke, Michele Abbondanza, Iris Erez (Jasmine Godder Company) Nicola Mascia (Sasha Waltz) and Matan Zamir (matanicola Dance Company), Andrea Olsen and Caryn McHose, Dino Verga, David Zambrano, Tabea Martin, Hannes Langolf (DV8), Danio Manfredini, Roberto Castello, Giorgio Rossi, Motus Modules (FR). In 2016 she collaborated with Teatri di Bari and Senza Piume Teatro curating the movement of the children’s theatre production Ahia! winner of the Eolo Awards as best children’s theatre show 2017. she danced for ResExtensa by Elisa Barucchieri, Fondazione Lirico Sinfonica Petruzzelli, Tabea Martin, Studio Festi, Balich WS, Kirstie Simpson (UK), Joclecio Azevedo (PT). In Puglia she dances and collaborates with the company La Luna nel Letto/Ass. Tra il Dire e il Fare, Senza Piume Teatro, Eleina D., Cinethic, Fatti d’Arte and PugliArte. With the Slovenian dance company EnKnapGroup and ResExtensa she is part of the European project AdriaWealth. In 2011 she founded the Ass. Explorer thanks to the Regional PRINCIPI ATTIVI funds to manage training activities and productions of theatre and dance at the Polartis spaces of the Vittorio Emanuele II Institute in Giovinazzo (BA). Since 2017 she teaches dance at the Piccola Scuola di Teatro di Senza Piume Teatro and teaches Scenic Movement at the Teatro Forma in Bari and for the Compagnia L’Albero di Melfi (PZ) for which she is the curator of the scenic movement of the children’s theatre show Seicentina


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