Compagnia Tardito/Rendina

Circhio lume (2004)

drama-dance performance on the border with the clown

project by Federica Tardito and Aldo Rendina
with Aldo Rendina‚ Federica Tardito and Antonio Villella/Riccardo Maffiotti

music Bach‚ Mozart‚ Satie‚ Madonna
costumes Roberta Vacchetta
lights Lucia Manghi

co-productions Torinodanza‚ Drodesera>Centrale Fies and compagnia tardito/rendina
with the support of Associazione Sosta Palmizi

special thank to Marina Borruso and Doriana Crema

60 minutes

*performance available for unconventional spaces

Three faded clowns, in a delirious and funny circus, are gambling everything to gain the centre of attention.
From a look at the mechanisms man puts into action to make people love him‚ to be the centre of attention‚ one enters with lightness and detachment the tragedies everybody lives‚ showing the pretexts and the lies created by the not understood victim.
A not narrative but a circular writing‚ which uses a language hovering between the tragic and the grotesque‚ a bit exaggerated and clownish.



Travel notes…

Life – tragedy – restraining judgement

We started from the desire of confronting and recognising in ourselves the mechanisms we adopt to be loved and which often trespass on the staging of a tragedy which always repeats itself…
To do that we realised we had to work hard: we had to learn to recognise the ideas we have about ourselves without following the judgement.

The body – the ideas

We have been training for a long time to transform ourselves‚ to widen our borders‚ not to identify with the form. If you identify with the emotions abandoning yourself to an idea‚ that is to say to that feeling which is purely mental‚ there is the danger of remaining obliged…
If you let this happen the space will shrink a lot‚ even the bodily one‚ and it is a sensation which doesn’t contribute to the freeing of the creative act. We need space to act.

To unmask oneself

At a certain bitter point of our work we noticed that we had started from an idea and that it had remained the same. so how could we make our longing concrete?
We realised that we had to create a relation with an audience in that moment invisible and allow ourselves to act an unmasking: “I come here in front and I show you that I‚ I‚ I‚ I build and feed the lie…”

True – fake

A journey in a continuous balance in the attempt of staying with what was‚ being the “creators and the creatures”‚ “the witnesses and the testimonies”.
At the same time we had to set a mechanism in motion which was ours making it visible on the outside. Activating all the energies with the only aim of making people love us.
In order to penetrate into the areas of shade we had to turn on the light several times choosing the way of a saving humour…
During our job we used the words “poor little me” for that part of us which will never feel loved enough and will do anything to be…
The more I feel nobody and the more I make an effort to show the opposite… the more I fall and the more I want to fall again… the more I shout and the more I want to shout…
We think it’s fantastic to disclose it publicly as it contains a strong chance to change into a ridiculous drama.


“A funny and delirious circus‚ which intelligently plays on the razor’s edge of a declared‚ evident‚ devastating idiocy. The creation (at Volterrateatro Festival 06) was welcomed by an enthusiastic ovation (…) That happened because Circhio Lume is a witty and crazy pastiche‚ pushed to paroxysm. Really good at their work‚ they bring their hypothesis of non-dance to the dullest and the most destabilizing clownerie’s territories.”

A. Porcheddu


drama-dance performance on the border with the clown

project by Federica Tardito and Aldo Rendina
with Aldo Rendina‚ Federica Tardito and Antonio Villella/Riccardo Maffiotti

music Bach‚ Mozart‚ Satie‚ Madonna
costumes Roberta Vacchetta
lights Lucia Manghi

co-productions Torinodanza‚ Drodesera>Centrale Fies and compagnia tardito/rendina
with the support of Associazione Sosta Palmizi

special tank to Marina Borruso and Doriana Crema

60 minutes

*performance available for unconventional spaces


8-9 July 2017
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10-11 February 2017
Caffè della Caduta, Torino
5-6 February 2017
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19 March 2016
Humor – Erbamil, Ponteranica (BG)
29-30 January 2016
Caffè della Caduta,Torino
7 March 2015
Camaleontika Almese (TO)
14-15 March 2014
Caffè della Caduta,Torino
19 October 2013
Caffè della Caduta, Torino
19 April 2013
Danae Festival, Milano
20 March 2013
Scappo Danza Centro S. Chiara, Trento
22 November 2012
NID Platform, Lecce
3 August 2012
Palcobaleno, Riccione (RN)
24 February 2011
ArtiViveHabitat, Soliera (MO)
27 March 2010
Casa del Teatro Ragazzi Giovani, Torino
1-3 December 2009
Festival Dansem, Théâtre Massalia, Francia
9 October 2009
Ponte Entre Culturas, Teatro Cine Horto Galpão Belo Horizonte, Brasile
6 October 2009
Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Sala Paissandu, Galeria Olindo, San Paolo, Brasile
2 October 2009
Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Teatro Angel Vianna-Centro Coreografico Rio de Janeiro, Brasile
29 September 2009
Festival Setiembre Escenico Montevideo, Uruguay
29 March 2009
Invito di Sosta, Teatro Mecenate, Arezzo
25 March 2009
Accademia Perduta Romagna Teatri – Aterdanza, Faenza (RA)
24 January 2009
Tuscania in ballo, Teatro Comunale il Rivellino per ETI − Ente Teatrale Italiano, Tuscania (VT)
8 November 2008
CRT − Centro di Ricerca per il Teatro – Short Formats, Milano
12 September 2008
Teatro delle Ariette, Castello di Serravalle (BO)
28 May 2008
Stagione Teatrale Crinali presso Teatro Comunale, Marzabotto (BO)
16 May 2008
Ater presso Teatro Testoni, Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
14 March 2008
ETI presso Cinema Teatro Mangoni, Isola dei Liri (FR)
6 March 2008
Casa del Teatro Ragazzi Giovani‚ IIª Vetrina Italiana di Circo Contemporaneo, Torino
2 March 2008
Arti Vive Festival 2008,Teatro della Rocca Novellara (RE)
1 March 2008
Associazione Questa Nave stagione di Teatro Contemporaneo, Marghera (VE)
23 February 2008
Rassegna Oltre Confine, Oda Teatro, Foggia
16 -17 October 2007
VIE Scena Contemporanea Festival, Modena
6-8 September 2007
Festival La Luna nel Pozzo, Caorle (VE)
4 August 2007
Festival Teater sün via, Sent, Svizzera
24 July 2007
Esteuropaovest, Montecorsaro (MC)
22 June 2007
Il Giardino delle Esperidi, Ello (LC)
24 April 2007
Armunia, Castiglioncello (LI)
4-5 April 2007
Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2007, Padova
17 February 2007
Tracce di Teatro d’Autore, Castello d’Argile (BO)
10 February 2007
Diversa/mente/teatro, Mantova
3 February 2007
Proposta Teatro 07 − Val Trompia, Sarezzo (BS)
20 January 2007
Teatro C. Gallerani, San Giovanni in Croce (CR)
28-30 November 2006
Teatro Kismet Opera, Bari
24-25 Novembre 2006
Strade Maestre, Teatro Koreja, Lecce
10 November 2006
Ballet 2006, Spello (PG)
12-14 August 2006
Musicalarue, Luxey, Francia
8 August 2006
Visioni, Monte S. Savino (AR)
5 August 2006
Il grande fiume, Castelvetro Piacentino (PC)
27 July 2006
Volterrateatro, Volterra (PI)
20 July 2006
Lo spettacolo della montagna, Chiusa di S. Michele (TO)
6 -17 July 2006
Festival Avignon off, Avignone, Francia
3 June 2006
Tra cielo e terra, Montefalco (PG)
9 May 2006
Piccolo Teatro Don Bosco, Padova
6 May 2006
Danzarte, Brescia
18 March 2006
Atto Terzo, Verona
9 March 2006
Dolo nei teatri, Dolo (VE)
30 November-1/2/3 December 2005
La Boîte à Jouer Bordeaux, Francia
11-12 November 2005
Festival Arte Memoria, Storia, Grugliasco (TO)
16 September 2005
Torino Contemporanea, Torino
15 September 2005
Teatri Invisibili, S. Benedetto del Tronto (AN)
26 July 2005
Prima Circhio Lume Drodesera-CentraleFies, Dro (TN)
6 July 2005
Creazione: titolo provvisorio” Segnali all’orizzonte, Padova
25 January 2005
Creazione: titolo provvisorio” Teatri senza Teatro, Torino
12 May 2005
Creazione: tirolo provvisorio” Europa Teatri danza, Parma
18-19 October 2004
Anteprima “Creazione: titolo provvisorio” Cantieri Italiani − Focus 6 – Torinodanza,Torino
Other productions by Compagnia Tardito/Rendina
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