Mariella Celia e Cinzia Sità

Bisbigliata creatura – Whispered creature (2020)

Concept and Direction: Mariella Celia
Choreography, dramaturgy and movement research: Mariella Celia in collaboration with Cinzia Sità
Interpreters: Mariella Celia, Cinzia Sità
Sound: Gianluca Misiti
Make-up/Stage assistant: Francesca Innocenzi
Costumes: Mariella Celia in collaboration with Francesca Innocenzi
Light design: Francesco Tasselli

Production: Associazione Sosta Palmizi
With the support of: Vera Stasi, Teatro Azione e Carrozzerie N.O.T, ALDES, Teatri Sospesi, Cittadella dei giovani Aosta

The piece was awarded with the prize inDivenire Danza 2019

Selection Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2021

Dio breve nell’erba
Ingarbugliato in goccia d’acqua
E grandine furiosa
Dio coda di lucertola
Passi sbadati
Tra sedia e letto
Dio belva e piuma
Insonne asfalto
Dio uovo
Che ogni acqua è santa
E ogni luogo è sacro
Se assente di noi.
Saprai mai inchinarti
Da cogliere la bisbigliata

[God brief in the grass/
Tangled in a drop of water/
And furious hail/
God lizard’s tail/ Careless steps/
Between bed and chair/
God beast and feather/
sleepless tarmac/
God egg/
All waters are holy/
And all places are sacred/
If absent from us./
Will you ever bow/
So much/
As to seize the whispered/

Chandra Livia Candiani


Bisbigliata creatura (Whispered creature) opens up to a place where humanity reveals itself by moving its first steps and gradually learning to stand on its own legs, still unaware of these latter and their way of moving.

Can one find peace in not knowing? Can this condition be an opportunity for a new way of going about the world?
Bisbigliata creatura chooses the fact of being disarmed as its favourite perspective.

What lies behind this project is the need and urgency to rediscover a material perception of the sensitive body and a whole system of relationships that the body establishes with the external environment through touch and movement.
In the digital age, kinesthesia and haptic perception are here antidotes to the alterations of the perceptive functions of our subjectivity, which is becoming more and more isolated.

Director’s notes

Bisbiglitata creatura (Whispered creature ) has had a long gestation time, just the time I wanted: necessary, slow, full of falls, of afterthoughts, of returns, questions much bigger than ourselves and surprising revelations.
On stage we experience an extra-ordinary sensation of time, which wants to lead the viewer to “other places”, and then back to ourselves.
To nourish the journey of creation have been the poetry of Chandra Livia Candiani, able to put into words the sacredness of vital experience, and my studies of Body-Mind Centering ®, an approach that reveals, through experiences of microscopic intimacy, as every aspect of life of an individual and the entire cosmos, is expressed in the body in motion. Along the way, a lot of fragility has emerged, a condition that we want to celebrate and reveal the beauty, tenderness and strength of.

(Mariella Celia)


Video trailer

Concept and Direction: Mariella Celia
Choreography, dramaturgy and movement research: Mariella Celia in collaboration with Cinzia Sità
Interpreters: Mariella Celia, Cinzia Sità
Sound: Gianluca Misiti
Make-up/Stage assistant: Francesca Innocenzi
Costumes: Mariella Celia in collaboration with Francesca Innocenzi
Light design: Francesco Tasselli

Production: Associazione Sosta Palmizi
With the support of: Vera Stasi, Teatro Azione e Carrozzerie N.O.T,  ALDES,Teatri Sospesi, Cittadella dei giovani Aosta

The piece was awarded with the prize inDivenire Danza 2019

Selection Visionari Kilowatt Festival 2021


Other Productions by Mariella Celia and Cinzia Sità
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