Nourishing the eye with beauty embraces the two historical seasons Invito di Sosta and Altre Danze in a renewed and necessary form of diffusion, in intent and space, of contemporary dance. The programming invites the spectators, considering also new and experimental ways of meeting. The body remains one of the highest forms of evolutionary expression, the pivotal vehicle that leads us towards the present, and the guest artists accompany us into the dimensions of fantastic play, power, dreams, death, darkness as the cradle of light and the other from oneself.
Info and reservations
+39 0575 63 06 78 / +39 393 99 135 50
info@sostapalmizi.it / sostapalmizi.it
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Invito di Sosta and Altre Danze are realized with the contribution of Regione Toscana in the framework of the project supporting the Artistic Residences, thanks to the agreements with the Municipality of Arezzo and the Municipality of Castiglion Fiorentino; in collaboration with Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo, Associazione CapoTrave/Kilowatt.
Invito di Sosta e Altre Danze sono realizzate con il contributo della Regione Toscana nell’ambito del progetto a sostegno delle Residenze Artistiche, grazie alle convenzioni con il Comune di Arezzo e del Comune di Castiglion Fiorentino; in collaborazione con la Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo, Associazione CapoTrave/Kilowatt.